Monday, October 19, 2009

The Karmapa

This is a blog dedicated to the teachings and activities of His Holiness the 17th Gyawang Karmapa and is linked to the website. The blog also provides photographs of His Holiness the Karmapa.
First, who is the Karmapa? The Karmapa is the spiritual leader of the Kagyu lineage in Tibetan Buddhism. The Kagyu lineage traces its roots to Shakyamuni Buddha through the great Indian yogi and mahasiddha, Tilopa who taught the renowned Indian master Naropa. In turn the teachings were given to Marpa, the translator, and then to Milarepa who transmitted the lineage to Gampopa. The first Karmapa, Dusun Khyenpa (1110-1193 CE) was the disciple of Gampopa.

Meaning of the Title

Karmapa is a Tibetan title that means "the one who carries out Buddha-activity" or, to put it another way, "the embodiment of all the activities of the Buddha". Thus the Karmapa is a teacher as well as mediator between the Buddha and the mundane world. In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a long tradition of enlightened teachers, also known as tulkus, who consciously choose to be reborn in order to continue to teach and to bring benefit to the world. This institution of reincarnated lamas begun in the Kagyu tradition by the first Karmapa has continued unbroken for 800 years. The Karmapa has reincarnated for seventeen lifetimes to preserve, transmit and develop the Buddhist teachings in Tibet and the world.

As is stated, "Renowned throughout Tibet for their teachings, great knowledge and luminous realization, the Karmapas embodied the highest ideal of Buddhism - a life devoted entirely to the benefit of all living beings. Over hundreds of years the Karmapas have continued to seflessly and skillfully teach the path of full awakening as the Buddha had done over a thousand years before." (Heart Advice of the Karmapa)

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